1. Who paints my reproduction oil painting?
Your oil painting is totally hand painted by a university-trained and experienced Thai artist. Once we receive your order, we’ll allocate it to one of our artists who specialize in your chosen type of oil painting. They will work only on your order from start to finish, pouring their passion into the painting. When your oil painting is finished, it will be checked by a master artist and only if it passes his detailed inspection will it be shipped to you. Do not be confused by Chinese imitations, produced in large ‘painting factories’ by unqualified, exploited teenage girls churning out shoddy, mass production replicas.
2. Will my oil painting reproduction look like the original masterpiece?
Yes, it will be a very close copy of the original oil painting. Of course, being individually hand-painted it will not be exact copy but the color, paint texture and drawing will be 99% the same.
3. How long does it take to paint my oil painting?
About three-to-four weeks as our skilled artists are highly trained and work on only one oil painting at a time. This means you get your oil painting a lot quicker from us than from our more expensive competitors. Because they act as middlemen and are located far way from the studio, it takes them 4-12 weeks to deliver exactly the same oil painting.
4. Why do your oil paintings cost so much less than on other sites on the net?
We represent Thai artists who will work for a lot less than similarly qualified and experienced American or European artists. We sell direct from the studio – no middlemen so buying an oil painting from is not expensive. You pay less and save hundreds of dollars while getting exactly the same quality of oil painting. We discount price, not quality.
5. How do I order?
It’s a really easy step-by-step process. Once you’ve selected the oil painting, chose the size you want and click on ‘Add to Cart’. Then click on ‘Checkout’. You’ll be transferred to the Paypal to pay.
6. Is it safe to pay by credit card over the internet?
Very safe, in fact it’s safer than using your credit card in a shop or over the telephone. We use Paypal to process credit card payment. They use a secure server that scrambles your personal data so that hackers can’t read it. Only Paypal see your card details even we don’t see them!
7. How is my oil painting shipped?
When it’s dry, your unframed oil painting is rolled and put into a plastic tube and shipped to you by courier. You can track the shipment online and it usually arrives in a few days. And shipping is FREE, you only pay the catalog price.
8. What about Customs duties and sales tax?
The US, Canada and EU do not charge duties or taxes on oil paintings. There are no hidden charges you pay only the catalog price.
9. What if I don’t like the oil painting?
Simply return it to us within 30 days for a refund of the full amount – your satisfaction is guaranteed. Please read our Returns Policy.
10. I want an oil painting that’s not in your catalog, can you paint it?
Yes, send a clear scanned digital image or photo of the original oil painting to info@the-oil-painting-studio.com, tell us the size you want and within 48 hours we’ll respond with an unbeatable quote. |